Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Russian Democracy is Dying

How can Russia lead an alliance against Israel in the War of Gog and Magog? Isn't Russian a democracy? Democracies don't do such things!

Unfortunately, there are clear signs that Russian democracy is dying. The Russian people long for a return to Soviet style rule.

At, David Frum writes convincingly of the evidence for this:

Russian Democracy is Dying
By David Frum

The National Post | March 14, 2007...."A message has been communicated to anyone who wants to speak out against the Kremlin: 'If you do, no matter who you are, where you are, we will find you and we will silence you in the most horrible way possible.'"

Those words come from an interview broadcast on NBC's Dateline on Feb. 26. They were spoken by Paul Joyal, a Washington consultant who studies the former Soviet Union. Joyal was talking about the murder of his friend Alexander Litvinenko, the KGB defector who died painfully in London on Nov. 23 from radiation poisoning.

Four nights after his Dateline interview, Joyal met another prominent KGB defector, Oleg Kalugin, for dinner at a restaurant in downtown Washington. Joyal returned to his home in suburban Maryland about 7:30 pm, stepped out of his car--and was shot in the groin. Neither his wallet nor his briefcase were taken. His shooter has not been found.

Happily, the shooting was not fatal. Ivan Safronov, a military affairs writer for the Russian daily Kommersant, was less fortunate. Safronov had been working on a big story about a secret Russian deal to ship highly advanced Iskander missiles to Syria. The day after the Joyal shooting, Safronov fell out of a fifth story window in Moscow. Safronov is the 89th journalist to have died violently in Russia over the past 10 years.


Follow the link to read the whole article.

With a dictator (dictator, supreme leader, whatever) is in charge, it then becomes the whim of a single man to get Russian involved in Ezekiel's alliance against Israel. Does this mean this war will happen tomorrow, or this year? No. The time is known only to God.

But the stage is set.


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